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Jinimaru Breeds Guide

Ba’maru is the most gentle and placid of the “wild” breeds of Jinimaru. They come primarily in two colours; orange and brown, or black and grey, both with a white belly and cheeks.
On Earth, Ba’maru were usually left alone to live in forests eating mushrooms and small animals. On Edris, this breed is commonly found working in agricultural corners of Heim’dal and Purri’den.

Bon’ita is the tiniest member of the Jinimaru breeds and is “wild”.
They have hardly any exposed skin and are noted for having unusually long limbs. This breed comes in various shades of brown, orange, and grey.
On Earth, the Bon’ita were frequently killed for sport. On Edris, this breed work primarily in mining or courier duties across the cooler regions of the planet, such as So’dal and Ma’dal.

Es’ita is the second smallest member of the Jinimaru breeds and is “wild”.
They are noted for being shy, though can be fierce tempered if they cannot hide. This breed comes in various shades of charcoal colours.
On Earth, the Es’ita were left to live freely in their forest homes. On Edris, this breed works in various roles across the planet providing it does not involve too much socialisation.

Fra’maru is the most common breed of Jinimaru and is “domesticated”.
This breed comes in various marking styles, fur colours, and even fur thickness.
On Earth, the Fra’maru lived as companions within Human settlements. On Edris, this breed can be seen working in all industries across the planet.

J’gwa is the largest member of the Jinimaru breeds and is “wild”.
This breed is fairly aggressive, and comes in various shades of yellow, orange, and even red.
On Earth, the J’gwa were frequently killed for sport. On Edris, this breed work primarily in tropical regions such as Eppi’den and Ma’dal, and in various roles, though tend to prefer working in Guilds rather than businesses.

Kari’ita is the second most common member of the Jinimaru breeds and is “tame”.
This breed comes in various colours, with stripe/spot markings, or sometimes without.
On Earth, the Kari’ita were used for education, entertainment, or were left alone in the wild. On Edris, this breed work in various roles across the whole planet.

Ko’maru is the most un-catlike member of the Jinimaru breeds and is “wild”.
They have a furless chest, belly, and groin area, though individuals with high testosterone may grow a long strip of fur down the middle of their abdomen. Males and Females are challenging to tell apart.
This breed comes in various shades of brown and grey, with black markings.
On Earth, the Ko’maru were frequently killed as they were listed as vermin. On Edris, members of this breed are known slackers and prefer not to work. They are found in warm regions such as Na’dal and the savannah of So’dal.

Lan’ita is the second-largest member of the Jinimaru breeds and is “wild”.
This breed comes in various shades of brown and sandy yellow, sometimes with spotted markings.
On Earth, the Lan’ita were frequently killed for sport. On Edris, this breed work primarily in politics or running a business. Regions they prefer range from temperate, such as Heim’matu, to the desert, like Na’dal.

Los’ita is the most furless member of the Jinimaru breeds and is “wild”.
This breed is the only wild variant that uses tools to hunt on Earth. Their fur matches the pigmentation of their skin, ranging from tan to dark brown, though their markings are always shaded slightly darker.
On Earth, the Los’ita were frequently killed due to their aggression towards Humans, competing for land, or for killing livestock. On Edris, this breed enjoys working in industries such as pest control, in the hottest regions of the planet, such as Na’dal and Kaata’dal.

The Ol’ton and Wu’ton are the only members of the Jinimaru breeds that thrive best by the sea and are both considered “wild”.
Ol’ton varies in shades of brown, whilst the Wu’ton range from sandy tan colours to dark brown. Males are the only ones of the Wu’ton to possess markings, and females can appear to be identical to the Ol’ton females.
On Earth, both breeds were left peacefully to live by the wild coasts or by fishing docks. On Edris, this breed works exclusively in fishing and other marine-related roles across warmer portions of the planet, though are most commonly found in Isle’den.

Ri’bassa is the second most hairless member of the Jinimaru breeds and is “wild”.
This breed is also the only member with a jaw and teeth strong enough to crunch through mid to large-sized animal bones. This breed comes in various shades of brown and red.
On Earth, the Ri’bassa were left alone to live their hungry lives in the deserts. On Edris, this breed work in hot regions, such as Kaata’dal and Na’dal, in a wide range of industries.

So’ita is the most heavily furred of the Jinimaru breeds and is “wild”.
They are also noted as having smaller thumbs that are not fully opposable and are the only breed with such a trait. This breed comes in various shades of white and grey, with black-spotted markings.
On Earth, the So’ita were hunted for their fur. On Edris, this breed work in a wide range of industries but prefer to stick to the region of So’dal where it is colder.

Ta’nuhk is a Jinimaru breed that is “tame”. They usually exhibit signs of kleptomania throughout their lives, even at infancy.
This breed comes in various shades of brown, though in rare cases they can also be in shades of grey.
On Earth, the Ta’nuhk were used in education, used by criminals, or were killed for being vermin. On Edris, this breed can be found working numerous jobs, though prefers the culinary arts, and working in the tropical regions of Ma’dal and Eppi’den.

Y’kaata is the rarest of the Jinimaru breeds on Earth, and is “wild”.
This breed comes in various shades of brown and sandy yellow, with darker stripes and facial markings.
On Earth, the Y’kaata were deemed extinct due to rarity, the cause of which was not known. On Edris, this breed is abundant across the planet, and work in academia and journalism.

Zu’maru is the most aggressive member of the Jinimaru breeds and is “wild”.
This breed comes in various shades of brown and orange. The mane and tail-tip of the Zu’maru, however, is always a combination of reds, yellows, and oranges, and is the shiniest of all other breeds fur.
On Earth, the Zu’maru were killed due to their aggression towards Humans, competing for land, or for killing livestock. On Edris, this breed work in gladiatorial entertainment, Guilds, and pest control across the whole planet.

Want to learn more? You can read more on each breed and the way these cat-men live on Earth in the Beginners Guide to Jinimaru, or just the basics on the breeds in the Jinimaru handbook!

Interested in the alien world these humanoid-felines now call their home? Check out the Edris Compendium!

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