Subject 218 – Comic
The comic of Subject 218 is a project on hiatus, due to time constraints. It will return in the future when there is less on my plate to create.
Originally the medium of choice for the story, the Comic was started as far back as 2006 but Thomas (its creator) constantly delayed releasing the comic due to a combination of perfectionism and changing directions in storytelling. In 2015 he decided to make a foundation for the story in the form of a novel, preventing him from making drastic changes without having to call them “multiverses” from the original. Several drafts were written that, while the main plot remained the same, had vastly different scenarios take place in certain key points to the tale, creating alternate endings (with some having borderline crazy ones!) Thomas still likes the alternate endings to Subject 218 and plans to make several of them in his comic after the main, original, plot is finished. These multiverse comics will follow on from the main branch of comics at certain points, based entirely on one or more decisions the characters make that differ from the core plot.
One example is that in the core plot, Tim decides to escape the facility he is captured in which sets in motion the remaining story, however in one multiverse tale, Tim decides to wait it out and this yields consequences of its own.
The Multiverses are categorised already to allow Thomas to plan his Issues and Volumes accordingly. These categories are code-named. When a multiverse connects to an issue, it will be labelled as a branch. Example:
Multiverse: Core, no branch – This means the issue is part of the Core Plot and does not have the chance of branching out.
Multiverse: Core, Foxhound branch – Whilst part of the Core Plot, this issue ends on a cliffhanger, and connects to both the Core and the Foxhound branch.
Multiverse: Foxhound – This issue is no longer part of the Core Plot and is bound to the Foxhound Plot.

Cover Concepts