My scanner arrived today at last! I want to get cracking on with the new artwork, but I have an appointment to deal with tomorrow all day in London so it will have to wait until I get back. In the meantime, I have finished working out a better subscribe feature. You can find the mailing form at the bottom of every single page now, and can unsubscribe by clicking the “unsubscribe” link in the -emails sent out. I am planning on bringing back the newsletter, which I want to roll out twice a year (maybe more in the future).
The Twitch channel is also set up and ready to go, all that remains is making a schedule for streaming, and then going ahead with the streaming plan. The stream is NOT intended for gaming, it is to stream me doing artwork both digitally and traditionally. I would like to do game streaming, but it is not my top priority right now.
My proof reader is still behind with my novels. There has been no change in the progress for any of the books, my apologies to those who have been waiting. In the meantime I am working on the comics.
More updates coming soon, along with all that artwork, and the first entry to the Subject 218 comic!