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Size Comparison, and me ranting about printers!

Okay, I don’t rant that much, but I still had a few things to say about how inconsistent the printers have been with me lately. I am still working on getting things right with them, but with the service I get (print on demand) this sort of thing is bound to happen. Still, it’s fun to rant about it.

I said I didn’t want to go into much detail about the interior print issues, but for the curious few here’s a bit more ranting…I mean…information, on these issues. Remember; these issues have now been corrected.
Let’s start with a bit of background info; I wasn’t sure what type of paper to use for my books, so I ordered coated paper first. This made the book pages have a glossy texture to them, and makes them look wonderful…however, some pages wound up looking like this:

Now, I wasn’t sure why this happened, so I got in touch with the printer and they said it might have to do with the type of paper I chose, so I decided to order the book with uncoated paper, which worked out cheaper as well, but the issue still remained.

If anything, I thought it looked worse on the matt paper, and the images didn’t look as clear or vibrant. So I ordered another copy in coated paper, and guess what? The issue was gone!

But oh dear, a new problem! All the other books didn’t have alignment issues, but for some reason this one did. I got it fixed in the final version.

So after much hassle, and many headaches, I got the final copies I liked. But as mentioned in the video, the stock still has a fault on the spine of the books. *Sigh* I have fixed it now, so any online purchases won’t get this problem. I hope to have more information before the convention, including the location of our table!


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