I have begun the long and tedious task of updating the Jinimaru avatars from the old sculpt-based heads and very fat legs to a more sleek and smooth design. The Asian variation already have this update though they have rigged mesh legs and thighs which is made only for them, the Red XIII ‘Legendary’ Jinimaru have also been fully updated with a mesh head (but they still use sculpted thighs and legs, which are still new models).
The Avatar Kit will be made exactly the same way as the Red XIII Jinimaru update, with a new feature of fully re-colourable facial markings and more tail styles to choose from.
Once the update to the main kit is finished I will continue working on the Marine and Domestic varieties, before finally ending the line of Jinimaru avatars with the Cubs!
After all that work on the Jinimaru avatars I will finally be able to work on the Hydra, Fufe and Dinosaur avatars again (though wether they will be 100% mesh or partial mesh, or without mesh at all, I cannot say right now.)
In other news relating to the website and Deviantart; my deviantart account will no longer be updated. You can locate my latest fanart work on Tumblr and fan-fiction on Archive of Our Own (see External Links).
I have tidied up the Character Biography for Tim Adrien Argan so it is less messy, it should be easier to read now (I admit, I rushed it at the time of writing it).
The Newsletter is on hold right now whilst I create some new artwork for it. This isn’t at the top of my list of things to do (that would be the novels) but as soon as the artwork is done I will be sending a Newsletter out, you should receive it providing you have subscribed.
That’s all for now! My next update will be with a Chapter Sample from Hunt Down: The Random Journal of Some Guy though I will be on vacation at the start of October, so expect the sample before the end of October (and hopefully news of the novels finish by December!)
Thomas Edwards